1UC "Spring Fling" Online Auction 2025

1UC “Spring Fling” Online Auction 2025

Get ready, 1UU of OKC—our annual auction is just around the corner, and this year we’re kicking it up a notch with a vibrant “Spring Fling” theme! Whether you’re a seasoned bidder or a first-timer, this event is one you won’t want to miss. Mark your calendars—the auction will be online-only this year, opening for bids at 12:00 PM on Sunday, April 20th, and closing at 9:00 PM on Saturday, May 3rd. A small reception will be held after the church service on Sunday, May 4th to celebrate our generous donors and winning bidders.
We need your help to make this auction a success. We’re currently soliciting donations, and we’re looking for all sorts of treasures—dinners, workshops, tickets to theaters and museums, gift cards, services, homemade food items, and themed baskets.
The last day to submit donations is Tuesday, April 15th, so don’t wait—reach out soon! Please send all donation submissions to the auction committee chair, Joan Cain .

Let’s make this year’s Spring Fling auction a celebration to remember!

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First Unitarian Church of Oklahoma City
First Unitarian Church of Oklahoma City3 days ago
Sunday, March 23, 11:00 am - "Who is 'We'?"
Join us in person or on youtube.
In this time when diversity, equity, and inclusion have become dirty words, we UU’s continue to endorse all three. How, though, do we include? How do we become one people out of separate, widely disparate individual identities? How can we be inclusive as Unitarian Universalists? And how do we share our vision, to be inclusive as Americans?