The Rev. Jonalu Johnstone retired in 2020 after 28 years of ministry, including as Program Minister of First Unitarian Church OKC from 2002-2015. Ordained in 1993, she is the author of Scripture Unbound: A Unitarian Universalist Approach  and has served congregations in Oklahoma, Texas, Kansas and Madison, WI, as well as Growth Consultant for the Southwestern Conference of the UUA. Pre-ministry, Jonalu was a special education teacher and behavior management specialist. A graduate of Harvard Divinity School, her social justice activities have included anti-racism, work for LGBTQ+ rights, local food, and much more. Originally from Virginia and shaped by growing up near the capital of the Confederacy, Jonalu has continually focused energy and advocacy on marginalized people. She now resides in the Arbuckle Mountains of southern Oklahoma with her partner of 40 years, Jane Powell, a retired social worker and long-distance backpacker — when they are not on the road in their camper van.

Send an email to Rev. Jonalu


Rev. David H. Messner is the Senior Minister of the First Unitarian Church of Chicago. He’s a born-and-bred Unitarian, a Christian Humanist, and a Universalist who believes in boundless Grace and resurgent possibility, especially when all seems lost. He knows that church done right can be the key to a life well-lived and communities well-built. His ministry is rooted in preaching, teaching, writing, and coaching toward individual fulfillment and collective flourishing.

He is a Religious Advisor at the University of Chicago and is an incoming member of the U of C Alumni Board. He is a “Compelling Preaching Exemplar” in the Lilly-funded Preaching Initiative at the Christian Theological Seminary. He serves ministerial colleagues in his denomination as a Continental Good Officer. He works with interfaith colleagues for change as part of the Chicago Police Department’s District 2 Faith-Based Subcommittee. He is a consultant to the Anti-Defamation League, facilitating anti-bias programming and practices.

Rev. Dave is also an Accredited Interim Minister and previously served as the Interim Senior Minister of the Main Line Unitarian Church and the Interim Minister at the Unitarian Church in Charleston. He was the settled minister for seven years at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Savannah, which he accompanied in their growth into a mid-sized church with an outsized public voice for unity and justice. He trained at the First Unitarian Church of Rochester, NY, and the University of Rochester Medical Center, where he specialized in trauma response, acute psychiatric pastoral care, and end-of-life support.  

He earned his Ph.D. in Religion (Ethics & Society) from Emory University, a Master’s in Divinity from the University of Chicago with an emphasis on theology and ethics, an MBA from Yale University with concentrations in strategy and organizational behavior, and an undergraduate degree in psychology from Reed College with a focus on decision making under risky conditions. His scholarly interests include how institutions, professions, and practices can be conducive to better moral choice and action. He most recently taught ethics and social justice at Jefferson and Villanova Universities. He is a member of the Society for Christian Ethics, the American Academy of Religion, and the Society for Business Ethics.

His career began in public sector financial planning and management consulting, focusing on organizational effectiveness and strategies for growing businesses to reach new customers and markets. For more than a decade, he was a leader in international pharmaceutical businesses (Eisai, Pfizer, and Bausch & Lomb). He was in charge of teams responsible for strategy development, partnership formation, and transaction execution. His most recent industry role was Vice President of Business Development at B&L, building their international pharmaceuticals business.

He was born in Washington, D.C., and now lives in Woodlawn on the South Side of Chicago with his wife of 28 years. They have two wonderful young adult offspring and a Blue Heeler that just won’t quit. In his free time, he writes, grows (very) hot peppers, grills meat, and photographs wild places.

Send an email to Rev. Messner

Tim Atkins has been serving as our Director of Lifespan Religious Education since September 2020.  He comes to us after having served the Morristown Unitarian Fellowship in Morristown, NJ from 2013-2017 and the Cedar Lane Unitarian Universalist Church in Bethesda, MD from 2017-2020.

He has presented at a number of religious education workshops and trainings, including being the keynote speaker at the 2015 Liberal Religious Educators Association (LREDA) Fall Conference. In addition, Tim has served on the UUA Board of Trustees, the Appointments Committee of the UUA Board, and is currently serving as the president-elect of the Southwest UU Religious Educators Association and serves on the denominational UUA Nominating Committee. Tim has a Bachelor of Science in Public Policy as well as certificates in Social Psychology and Sociology from the Georgia Institute of Technology and an undergraduate certificate in Orange Family Ministry from Southeastern University. Tim has a broad knowledge of Unitarian Universalism and has written UU curriculum himself.

Tim grew up in Indiana and Georgia. Tim discovered Unitarian Universalism in Atlanta. He writes, “I took the online Belief-o-Matic quiz, and it popped up Unitarian Universalism 100%. I thought ‘any religion that agrees with me 100% of the time can’t be a real religion.’ So I waited about a year…I looked for the largest church in Atlanta, figuring there would be a higher likelihood of young adults being there. I fell in love the first week…I had found my home.”

Tim is a proud cat dad of two. His hobbies include bowling and gaming, especially board games, and attempting to garden. He loves wheel-thrown pottery and looks forward to one day having his own at-home pottery studio. Tim is also a writer and has been published by the UUA on multiple occasions.

Send an email to Tim Atkins

405-232-9224 | Ext 14



Marlies has been with First Unitarian Church since 2005. She was born and raised in Midwest City, Oklahoma. She considers the members of the church her family and enjoys seeing and talking to everyone.

Questions about your pledge and/or donation you have made to the church? Marlies can answer or find the answer to your question! Marlies schedules the rental of the facility, maintains the church calendar, and helps with church information material such as brochures, online newsletter and Annual Reports, just to name a few. Marlies also helps maintain the church website. If you have a question, Marlies can probably answer it!

Marlies’ hours in the office are:  Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Sundays: 9:00 am to 2:00 pm (it is always good to call first)  Fridays are work from home days, Mondays are her day off.

Send an email to Marlies Grogg

405-232-9224 | Ext 10

Steven Elkins Kennedy is an Oklahoma native who grew up in Moore Oklahoma. After graduating with a master’s in piano performance, he served on the faculty of several universities including OCU and UCO in Oklahoma. You may also find him directing music and conducting productions around town. He is happy to have found a new church family at 1UCOKC.

Send an email to Steven Elkins Kennedy 


Rev. Dr. Tamara Lebak is an ordained Unitarian Universalist community minister, diversity, equity, and inclusion consultant, chaplain, coach, mother, wife, author, singer-songwriter, and worship leader.  Rev. Tamara has served at First Unitarian Shaker Heights and West Shore Unitarian Universalist in Cleveland, OH.  She also served nearly 10 years at All Souls in Tulsa, OK. Tamara completed her Doctorate at Phillips Theological Seminary in 2023. She has served as an intern chaplain at Stateville Maximum Security Men’s Prison, Dick Conner Correctional Facility, the University of Chicago Hospitals and is the Resident Chaplain of the Terence Crutcher Foundation. Tamara is the founder of the Restorative Justice Institute of Oklahoma where she strives to help people know they are not the worst thing they have ever done nor the worst thing that has ever happened to them. The Restorative Justice Institute seeks to transform the retributive and inequitable culture of Oklahoma through a trauma-informed, developmental, and systemic approach to chaplaincy and community circles.

Send an email to Rev. Dr. (Tamara) Celeste Lebak

405-232-9224 | Ext 9



Ellisya Ravencroft, AV

Tammy Epperson, AV

Paula Geisinger, Bookkeeper (405-232-9224 ext.16)

Breanna McCalla, Childcare Worker

Angela Menefee, Childcare Worker