One of the major ways that 1UC carries out our mission locally is as a member institution of VOICE, Oklahoma City’s broad-based organizing coalition.

VOICE is a coalition of congregations, nonprofits, worker associations, and schools that have come together out of a deep sense of mission and concern about the pressures families face in the Oklahoma City metropolitan area. VOICE works to better understand those pressures by listening to the experiences of the people in the member institutions and engaging those impacted in better understanding the issues and areas. It fosters ongoing, respectful conversations about lived experiences, rejecting ideological shouting matches.

First Unitarian was one of the founding members of VOICE in 2012 and has remained one of the strongest member institutions since then.

Learn More: 

Visit the VOICE website to learn more about the issues the organization is currently engaged in, as well as the ways it has improved Oklahoma City and the state for Oklahomans.

Ready to Help?

Like VOICE on Facebook.

Follow VOICE on Twitter.

Review and sign up in support of VOICE’s Citizens’ Agenda of Issues.

Come to VOICE’s annual Gala of Gratitude, an evening to share successes in the community and to recognize people making a difference in the state and city.

Make a one-time donation to support VOICE’s work, or enroll for monthly giving on VOICE’s donation page.

The 1UC VOICE Organizing Team is made up of people from our congregation who take leadership in keeping our congregation aware of how VOICE is working in the community and ways for church members to be involved in that work. The organizing team is open to anyone who is interested in learning more. The team meets on the fourth Sunday of each month at 9:00 a.m. Contact Maureen Harvey, 1UC-VOICE chair to learn more.