
“Covenant and commitment, not comfort, should be the binding fabrics of UU congregations… Our faith communities are not just available for those who fit in most easily or who make so much trouble no one is willing to challenge them. New generations have even more … lack of tolerance for this sort of culture and consider it toxic.” — UUA Commission on Institutional Change, Widening the Circle of Concern (2020)

Our theme for the month of November is Covenant and Commitment. We’ll kick off this theme with a dive into the difficult topic of conflict. Very few of us actually enjoy conflict but, by avoiding it, the status quo and/or those who use conflict as a way of bullying too often end up leading the way. How can Unitarian Universalists develop a healthy relationship to conflict? How can this congregation learn to utilize healthy conflict as a means of growth?

Featuring music by Chris Morrison and Wendy Pitt
