Topic: All Souls Are Sacred

“The Peace of Thanksgiving”

Direct link to YouTube stream HERE. In a time of war and upheaval, how can we find peace through the practice of gratitude? On this Sunday before Trans Day of Remembrance, we also pause to remember the precious trans lives lost this past year due to hatred and violence.

“Your Life” — Coming Out Sunday

Direct link to YouTube stream HERE. This service is co-created with the Radical Welcoming Team in honor of LGBTQ+ History Month and National Coming Out Day. We celebrate the many quiet and not-at-all-quiet, courageous ways 2SLGBTQIA+ people live their authentic lives. Your name is not a song you will sing under your breath. Your pronouns … Continue reading “Your Life” — Coming Out Sunday

“Ghosts in the Machine: AI and Unitarian Universalism”

Direct link to YouTube stream HERE. “There have always been ghosts in the machine. Random segments of code, that have grouped together to form unexpected protocols. Unanticipated, these free radicals engender questions of free will, creativity, and even the nature of what we might call the soul. Why is it that when some robots are … Continue reading “Ghosts in the Machine: AI and Unitarian Universalism”

Coming of Age

Throughout the church year, our 8th graders and up have been participating in a Coming of Age program, where they learn more about Unitarian Universalist history and beliefs. They spend the year working on a personal credo statement, and they will be sharing their credo statements with the congregation during this special worship service for … Continue reading Coming of Age