“Tyranny and Freedom”
Direct link to YouTube stream HERE. What is the role of the voluntary association and the small community (like a congregation) in resisting the forces of tyranny?
Direct link to YouTube stream HERE. What is the role of the voluntary association and the small community (like a congregation) in resisting the forces of tyranny?
Direct link to YouTube stream HERE. In our country, we are facing an epidemic of loneliness. What role can a congregation play in countering this trend and nurturing a spirit of community?
Direct link to YouTube stream HERE. This week, we continue to wonder about the significance of quiet courage for our own lives. Throughout history, some people have been pushed out of the spotlight because they weren’t the “right kind of person” to play a starring role. But some of us never wanted the spotlight to … Continue reading “Quiet Courage” (Part Two)
Direct link to YouTube stream HERE. With our Blessing of the Animals service postponed until late November due to Rev. Diana coming down with COVID, join us this Sunday for an all ages, multigenerational worship led by our Director of Lifespan Religious Exploration Tim Atkins. We’re going to explore the idea of unconventional saints and … Continue reading Unconventional Saints and Unconventional Super Powers
Direct link to YouTube stream HERE. In this UU water ceremony, everyone brings a small container of water that represents a journey (real or symbolic) they’ve taken over the summer. It might be water from a trip to the ocean, or from a favorite fishing hole. It might be rainwater collected after a storm, or … Continue reading Water Ceremony/Ingathering
Direct link to YouTube stream HERE. Joan Chambers, and Celeste Flemming, will discuss friendship, trust, and how to accomplish it in person, and virtually in our post pandemic times.
Direct link to YouTube stream HERE. Who are “We, the People”? When leaders and politicians talk about “the American people,” whom do they mean? What makes “US” the “People”? What gives us power? In this July 4th weekend service, we will explore these questions. With words and music, we’ll celebrate “We, the People”, America’s two independence … Continue reading “The ‘Us’ of A”
Direct link to YouTube stream HERE. Using a canonical sermon by Rev. Theodore Parker as a springboard, we consider what stays the same in the midst of change and what holds us together in times of growth, change, and conflict.
Throughout the church year, our 8th graders and up have been participating in a Coming of Age program, where they learn more about Unitarian Universalist history and beliefs. They spend the year working on a personal credo statement, and they will be sharing their credo statements with the congregation during this special worship service for … Continue reading Coming of Age
The first Flower Ceremony was held in Prague, in June 1923, led by Rev. Norbert Čapek. For decades, this beloved tradition and its powerful history have provided meaning to hundreds of UU congregations. In this ceremony, everyone in the congregation brings a flower. Each person places a flower on the altar or in a shared vase. The congregation … Continue reading 100 Years of Flower Ceremony