Topic: Community

Covenant Incarnate

  Since the coronavirus pandemic began, we’ve increased our virtual communication and decreased our in-person (embodied, incarnate) interaction with others. We’ve grown accustomed to seeing one another in “fragmented” ways — as faces without noses and mouths, or as floating heads in Zoom boxes. Even as children are vaccinated and new COVID treatments emerge, making … Continue reading Covenant Incarnate


“Covenant and commitment, not comfort, should be the binding fabrics of UU congregations… Our faith communities are not just available for those who fit in most easily or who make so much trouble no one is willing to challenge them. New generations have even more … lack of tolerance for this sort of culture and … Continue reading Conflict

Heretics! (Theology of Freedom)

β€œIn an age when so many struggle to find meaning, a community formed through a set of commonly held beliefs can form a stronger bond than one formed through antipathy towards rejected beliefs (p.14).” — Widening the Circle of Concern (2020 Report of the UUA Commission on Institutional Change) The theological roots of Unitarian Universalism … Continue reading Heretics! (Theology of Freedom)

Ingathering/Water Ceremony (Theology of Relationship)

The delta variant is keeping us from meeting together in person, but it can’t keep us from celebrating our community! Our church goes on. Today, we celebrate the beginning of a new church year with ritual. At our annual Ingathering service, we come together as a family of travelers reuniting after our many separate journeys. … Continue reading Ingathering/Water Ceremony (Theology of Relationship)

‘When Hope is Hard to Find, We Take Care of Us: Shared Ministry as Mutual Aid”

The last several years of pandemic and social polarization have exposed frayed places and holes in the fabric of church-business-as-usual. This is true across congregations and faith traditions. Though shared ministry existed before these times, it has emerged as a powerful antidote to congregational and denominational splintering. However, our cultural norms (Western and UU) and … Continue reading ‘When Hope is Hard to Find, We Take Care of Us: Shared Ministry as Mutual Aid”