Topic: Racial and Restorative Justice

“Quiet Courage” (Part One)

Direct link to YouTube stream HERE. “There is a quiet courage that comes from an inward spring of confidence in the meaning and significance of life. Such courage is an underground river, flowing far beneath the shifting events of one’s experience, keeping alive a thousand little springs of action.” — Howard Thurman ‘Quiet’ and ‘courage’ … Continue reading “Quiet Courage” (Part One)

“Tongues of Fire: On Spirit and Social Justice and Why It’s Not Either/Or”

Direct link to YouTube stream HERE. As people of a liberal and liberating faith, we need not choose between spiritual and social liberation. In fact, rising from our core theology, the two are inextricably linked. We go back to our Unitarian and Universalist history, and remember why we are called to work for the liberation of all, not … Continue reading “Tongues of Fire: On Spirit and Social Justice and Why It’s Not Either/Or”

Pedestals, Prophets, and Regular People

Our faith holds that truth is never sealed. Our understanding is always expanding. This includes our understanding of the past, and our goals for the future. We must always be asking ourselves, “who and what do we remember, and how, and why?” Today, we lift up the memories of four Unitarian Universalists who have been … Continue reading Pedestals, Prophets, and Regular People

Freedom’s Classroom

Direct link to YouTube stream HERE This year would be the 100th birthday of Clara Luper, Oklahoma’s beloved activist and educator. In a 2003 interview about the challenges she faced, Mrs. Luper stated: “My biggest challenge, I think, was within myself – to believe that I could continue in spite of conditions.”  It was in the halls … Continue reading Freedom’s Classroom