Topic: Unitarian Universalism

“Nature’s Inspiration: A New Transcendentalism”

On Sunday, July 14, we explore the deep spiritual connection that Unitarian Universalists often feel with nature, tracing its origins to the Transcendentalist Movement of the early 19th century and Ralph Waldo Emerson’s writing, among others. How does Transcendentalism and its ideas about nature continue to influence modern Unitarian Universalist spirituality, and what revisions do … Continue reading “Nature’s Inspiration: A New Transcendentalism”

“New Occasions Teach New Duties: Navigating Change”

For my final sermon here at First Unitarian, I’d like to share some thoughts about change and how we deal with it.  I’ll concentrate on change in the church, especially the changing religious landscape in the United States, and corresponding changes within Unitarian Universalism.  Will we meet these changes with hope and creativity?  Or will … Continue reading “New Occasions Teach New Duties: Navigating Change”

“Now I Am Become…? Science and Unitarian Universalism”

Direct link to YouTube stream HERE. Robert Oppenheimer once said during an interview that, at the time of the first atomic bomb test, he recalled a line from the Bhagavad Gita: “Now I am become Death, destroyer of worlds.” As Unitarian Universalists, we celebrate science, and it is one of our key sources, but how … Continue reading “Now I Am Become…? Science and Unitarian Universalism”

Coming of Age

Throughout the church year, our 8th graders and up have been participating in a Coming of Age program, where they learn more about Unitarian Universalist history and beliefs. They spend the year working on a personal credo statement, and they will be sharing their credo statements with the congregation during this special worship service for … Continue reading Coming of Age