Small Groups
Adult Religious Exploration Programs 2024
Small Group Program
We have a wide range of different small group programs to meet your interests – from groups based around a shared interest to groups focused on deepening your spirituality.
Affinity Groups
- Discussion and events are around the shared affinity (interest/identity) rather than a standardized curriculum
- Meet at least once a month, open to new members
- Do one project a year for the church
- There is a covenant that the group decides upon for how they will be with each other. New members must agree to abide by the covenant. The covenant will be revisited for input or revisions at least once a year.
BRUU (Beverage Review Unitarian Universalists) – Meetings: Third Wednesday of the month, 7:00 pm
Description: Briefly, the Beverage Review UU (BRUU) group formed in January 2017. We have met a few times in members’ homes, but mostly have met in the various local brewery taprooms and craft beer venues which seem to spring up faster than we can keep up. From the beginning, we have been an open group with a very simple (non) covenant: (1) if it’s not fun, forget it; (2) no snobbery — we celebrate the diversity and inherent worth of all brews; and (3) no one drives home impaired.
Contact: John Schneider and Zach Martin
Exploring Spirituality – Meetings: Third Friday of the month, 7:00 pm
Description: This group explores a variety of spiritual practices, activities and ideas in a safe, nurturing environment. Members agree to use a covenant as a guide for conversations and interactions in this group. At gatherings, Exploring Spirituality also uses the following activities: Candle lighting, Opening words, Check-in, Discussion, Business, Check out (reflections) and Closing words. The group members determine discussion topics and take turns facilitating the meeting. Members can use for discussion topic resources or come up with their own. The group is meeting the 3rd Friday of each month at 7:00pm via Zoom.
Contact: Lu Ann Faulkner-Schneider
Fiber Connections – Meetings: Second Sunday at 12:00 pm and Fourth Saturday of the month at 10:00 am
Description: The Fiber Connections group was formed with the idea of working collaboratively on community projects, while enjoying conversations with like-minded people. While our members include artisans who work in a variety of fiber arts such as quilting, knitting, crocheting, embroidery, weaving, basketry, and all kinds of hand-work, we mainly gather to appreciate and learn about creative endeavors.
Contact: Paula Geisinger
Gardening – Meetings: Third Tuesdays of the month, 7:00 pm
Description: The members of the Gardening Covenant Group meet once a month, on the third Tuesday at 7:00 pm in members’ homes or at the church. As a Covenant Group we support one another when a person’s need arises. Each month we check in and connect socially, and we share gardening tips and ideas with each other. Occasionally we have educational and fun field trips, locally and out of town, such as a guided tour of Will Rogers Park and of the Dallas Arboretum. For the First Unitarian Church we provide limited gardening services for the grounds including the Memorial Garden. For many years we have provided an offering in the annual church auction when members of the Gardening Covenant Group agree.
Contact: Barbara Gallivan
Healthy Lifestyles – Meetings: Third Mondays of the month, 7:00 pm. Either on Zoom or at someone’s house.
Healthy Lifestyle’s Affinity Group is welcome to anyone open to finding connections and caring, with heartfelt sharing over a wide range of topics that anyone can suggest. We have studied the 3-book series by Robinson & Hawkins, going in-depth about our experiences and thoughts about Aging, Resilience, Trust, Spiritual Experiences, Boundaries and many more pertinent questions. We draw from the vast array of topics compiled by Unitarian Covenant Groups across America and rotate facilitating, monthly.
Contact: Janice Martin and Lu Ann Faulkner-Schneider
Spiritual Practice Groups
Sunday Morning Meditation – Meetings: Sundays at 10:00 am, In Person at the Church
Description: Does your mind wander? Is it hard to sit still? Maybe you feel too sad, mad, or tired to meditate? We can relate! We have found that the very things that keep us from meditating are why we need to do it. If you want to give it a try, please join us for Buddhist-inspired meditation, where we practice sitting and walking meditation. Beginners and long-time practitioners alike are welcome!
Contact: Lori Jervis or Paul Spicer
Wednesday Evening Meditation – Meetings: Every Wednesday night at 6:00 pm, in person at the church
Interested in meditation but can’t quite make it on Sunday mornings? Or maybe you just want more meditation? Beginning January 3rd we will be adding a Wednesday night session.
Contact: Mary Tate
Discussion Groups
- These are groups that have a regular meeting schedule (at least monthly), have no set end date, and have a different discussion topic each session.
- These groups are focused on discussion around a thought-provoking topic.
- Check with each group to see the next discussion topic.
Tuesday Morning Discussion Group – Meetings: Tuesdays, 11:00 pm – 12:00 pm. Zoom.
Description: The Tuesday Discussion Group is a very informal group that meets Tuesdays at 11:00 am to 12:00 pm (on Zoom) to discuss a variety of topics that are selected by volunteers who agree to facilitate. The topic and Zoom information are published in the online newsletter weekly. The meeting is open to anyone who is interested.
Contact: Ron Wasson
Book Club – Meetings: First Thursday of the month at 7:00 pm
Description: UU Book Group members select the books we read and discuss. We begin by compiling suggestions from members. Then, we conduct a survey to determine the books. We have read and discussed books over a range of topics: social justice, history, adventure, etc.
Contact: Steve Gryglewicz
The Alliance – Meetings: First Tuesday of each month (usually unless there is a holiday on the Monday before), 11:30 am – 1:00 pm.
Purpose: To serve the social and spiritual needs of the membership and wider community through fellowship, group expression, and programs of education, service, and action, while upholding the philosophy of liberal religion. Membership is open to all adults and annual dues are $10. The Alliance meets on the first Tuesday of the month from September through May. We gather near the noon hour for a program/presentation, followed by fellowship. The program will be available both in person and online. Past programs have included presentations on black history, library resources, computer fraud, mental health, the pandemic, etc. Information regarding meetings is included in the church newsletter. Guests are welcome.
Contact: Maureen Harvey