On behalf of our Lifespan Religious Exploration Team, welcome to our online Adult Religious Exploration program!

What’s the difference between a small group and a class?  Small groups meet over the course of months to form connections around shared interests or activities. In some cases, they have met regularly for decades.  Classes are short term, time limited, and usually centered around a very specific topic.  They might be one session or a handful of sessions.  If you are interested in joining any of the small groups or participating in a class, you can contact the organizer listed (via the Breeze database) or contact me directly, and we will send regular reminders for our upcoming classes in our weekly newsletters.

It has been a joy serving you so far this year, despite all the circumstances and being unable to yet meet in person safely.  I look forward to connecting with each of you more, and I look forward to continuing First Unitarian OKC’s robust Adult Religious Exploration Programs with you!

-Tim Atkins, Director of Lifespan Religious Exploration