Each Sunday, we take an offering. All the cash and designated checks/credit card payments go directly to support external organizations that are doing work that reflects our UU values and our First Unitarian mission. The recipient organizations are our Change for Change partners. Each month, a different agency or group receives the donations. Anyone can nominate a group for Change for Change. Recipient groups must be non-profit. Generally, we prefer to give to groups – whether local, national, or even worldwide — for whom $1000 to $2000 will make a significant difference. The Social Justice Committee evaluates all nominees and submits recommendations to the Board, which makes the final selections.

Change For Change: Any 1UC member, in good standing, can submit a not-for-profit organization that is doing the work we want to be done in the world for a Change for Change Recipient. Once complete, submit it to Anne Murray or Deborah Shinn. The Committee will review accept, ask for more information, or deny.  The accepted are then recommended to the Board of Directors for a month when donations are accepted for Change 4 Change. Application can be found here: Change for Change Application

May Change for Change

For May, our Change for Change recipient is ReMerge Oklahoma.

ReMerge of Oklahoma County is a pre-trial diversion program that serves high-risk, high-needs mothers facing non-violent felony offenses in Oklahoma County. ReMerge is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit dedicated to restoring women to their families and the community. They seek to impact Oklahoma’s high rate of female incarceration and to serve as a model to the power of rehabilitation.

Past recipients have included: