Carols and Stories: the Magnificat

Join us on the front lawn or on Zoom/Facebook for the annual “Carols and Stories” service. This year, we will focus on the very first Christmas carol, the song that Mary sings in the first chapter of Luke, known as the Magnificat. Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a German theologian who was executed by the Nazis, described it as “the most passionate, the wildest, one might even say the most revolutionary hymn ever sung.” In this song, an anything-but-meek-and-mild Mary imagines God lifting up the poor, bringing down the powerful, feeding the hungry, and sending the rich away empty. In the gospel of Luke, this song comes soon after the annunciation, when Mary CONSENTS to her role as mother of Jesus. Will we really be bringing questions about reproductive rights and economic justice into the Christmas story? Oh, yes we will!

At the end of this shorter-than-usual service, there will be time to chat (in-person or online), sign holiday cards for people who are incarcerated, and make birdseed or salt dough ornaments. Don’t forget to bring some non-perishable food for our little free pantry. Masks (covering mouth and nose) are required for those attending in person.

Featuring music performed by Joan Chambers, Becky Tallent, and Cathy Webster

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