We Are Not In Here. And We’re Not Out There Either. — In-person in the sanctuary and streaming to YouTube!

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Join us for our first truly multiplatform service, in-person in the sanctuary and live-streaming on YouTube! The great Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh once said that, when he died, he would like a plaque upon his grave with the words, “I’m not in here. And I’m not out there either.” After over 125 years of worshipping together “in here” (in our sanctuary), we have just spent nearly two years of being “out there” — out of the building, spread out in our individual homes. Now we are moving into a new phase in the life of our congregation: spanning “in here” and “out there.” This is an exciting time. Please join us “in here” – in the sanctuary – or “out there” – in your homes – as we celebrate the expansion of our circle of love and concern.

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