We often think of summer as a time to rest and recharge, but this has been a difficult summer for many of us. Between the loss of several beloved members of our congregation and national events like the loss of reproductive rights, many of us are transitioning into the new school/church year already tired and burned out. So, for this one Sunday, let’s pause for some self-care. We invite you to take some time to refuel and get ready for what promises to be a very exciting (and busy) year in the life of our congregation. At the same time, our wonderful office administrator (Marlies) and membership coordinator (Nathan), along with our stalwart tech team of Chris and Tammy, will be taking a MUCH deserved break. (There will be no YouTube stream this week. No nursery childcare available.)
We invite you to find what best fills your spiritual well. That might be attending another congregation’s service either in person or online. It might be spending time outside or doing yoga. It might be reading a good book. It might be calling an old friend you haven’t talked with in a long time. It might be writing thank you notes to people you love. Or it might just be sleeping in and eating a delicious breakfast. Do what is right for you and then come by next week and tell us how you spent your self-care time.
For first-time visitors, anyone who may have missed the announcements, or anyone who is just hungry for some in-person time at First Unitarian, DLRE Tim and Rev Diana will be offering some small-group spiritual practices and holding informal conversations about self-care during the 11:00 am hour