“Your Life” — Coming Out Sunday

Direct link to YouTube stream HERE.

This service is co-created with the Radical Welcoming Team in honor of LGBTQ+ History Month and National Coming Out Day.

We celebrate the many quiet and not-at-all-quiet, courageous ways 2SLGBTQIA+ people live their authentic lives.

Your name is not a song you will sing under your breath.
Your pronouns haven’t even been invented yet. …

Choose to carve your own heart out
of the side of a cliff.

Choose to spend your whole life telling secrets you owe no one
to everyone, ’til there isn’t anyone who can insult you

by calling you what you are:
you holy blinking star.

You highway streak of light
falling over and over for your hard life,

your perfect life,
your sweet and beautiful life. — “Your Life,” by Andrea Gibson

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