“A House Called Tomorrow” (Bridging Service)
Direct link to YouTube stream HERE. Today, we celebrate our high school graduates who are transitioning to young adulthood, along with others who are at thresholds in life.
Direct link to YouTube stream HERE. Today, we celebrate our high school graduates who are transitioning to young adulthood, along with others who are at thresholds in life.
Direct YouTube link HERE Today we celebrate the Flower Ceremony, one of Unitarian Universalism’s most beloved, original rituals, in which we recognize the beauty and power of diversity.
Direct YouTube link HERE “Cancel Culture” is a term that seems ubiquitous these days. It’s prominent in popular culture, in politics, and it comes up in countless arguments on social media. But this commonly used term means different things to different people. In fact, the very use of the term in some cases is its … Continue reading “To Call Each Other In” Part I – On “Cancel Culture”
Direct YouTube link HERE Solastalgia is a term that was coined in the early 2000s that means the feeling of distress caused by climate change. Specifically, it is a kind of homesickness for a planetary home that is changing around us, to the point where it no longer feels like “home.” On this Sunday after … Continue reading “Earth Day: On Solastalgia”
Direct YouTube link HERE This year, the religious holidays of Ramadan, Passover, and Easter all intersect. Ramadan is associated with revelation, Passover with redemption, and Easter with resurrection. But there’s another “R” word that connects all these things – “real.” Using the story of “The Velveteen Rabbit,” we’ll explore what it means “to be real” … Continue reading “Got to be Real”
YouTube direct link HERE Each year, Rev. Diana offers a sermon as part of our spring fundraiser auction. The winner of last year’s “Pick a Sermon Topic” has asked for a service based on the work of Monty Python. This is it! Today, we’ll consider the subversive and sustaining power of laughter, especially during bleak … Continue reading “Life’s a Laugh and Death’s a Joke”
Direct link to YouTube Livestream HERE. Ramadan, a time of fasting, prayer, and introspection for Muslims, begins this weekend. We are honored to have Adam Soltani, Executive Director of CAIR Oklahoma, as our guest. Adam will share with us some insights into this extremely important holiday, which is celebrated by over 1 billion people around … Continue reading “Welcome Ramadan! Welcome Guests!”
Direct link to YouTube stream HERE Whether you love or hate Shel Silverstein’s 1964 book, The Giving Tree, it offers an interesting place to begin a discussion of the nature of giving. What does it mean to take and to give? When is giving unhealthy and when is it life-affirming and mutually beneficial? Who or what … Continue reading Giving Trees
Direct link to YouTube stream HERE Register to attend in person HERE On this Sunday before the Hindu spring festival of Holi, the festival of colors, we celebrate the science, the politics, the history, and the meaning of color in our lives. Guest musician: Hannah Helbig Reflections by Catalina Flansburg, Margaret Flansburg
In-person and streaming to YouTube. Direct link to live stream HERE. Register to attend in-person HERE (goes live on Wednesday, closes Sunday at 9:00) On this first Sunday returning to an in-person RE program for children and youth, we will pause to honor all the teachers who have given so much of themselves over the … Continue reading Tending the Fire: Honoring Teachers