Topic: All Souls Are Sacred


Julius Jones. Kyle Rittenhouse. Ahmaud Arbery. Staying engaged with the struggle for equity and justice can feel like riding a roller coaster of emotions. We might experience a brief sense of euphoric victory, only to plunge into a deep valley of disappointment and even despair. Through it all, how do we keep going? Where can … Continue reading Commitment

Comfort Animals (Blessing of the Animals)

The overarching theme for the month of October is POWER and privilege and we’ll begin our exploration by thinking about how humans have conceptualized our relationship with all other animals. Many cultures have defined the relationship as one of dominion, or human power over other animals. Does it have to be this way? What if, … Continue reading Comfort Animals (Blessing of the Animals)

Ingathering/Water Ceremony (Theology of Relationship)

The delta variant is keeping us from meeting together in person, but it can’t keep us from celebrating our community! Our church goes on. Today, we celebrate the beginning of a new church year with ritual. At our annual Ingathering service, we come together as a family of travelers reuniting after our many separate journeys. … Continue reading Ingathering/Water Ceremony (Theology of Relationship)

General Assembly Sunday Worship

Recognizing the importance of shared ministry and the many innovative approaches to worship created by congregations during the pandemic, UUA President, Rev. Dr. Susan Frederick Gray, selected the First Universalist Church of Minneapolis to serve as worship leaders for this year’s GA Sunday Morning Service. Music will be offered through collaboration with 2021 GA Choir Director Susan … Continue reading General Assembly Sunday Worship