Topic: Community

“In Praise of Lent”

Direct link to YouTube stream HERE. This year, the Muslim holy season of Ramadan and the Christian holy season of Lent overlap. Both traditions place great spiritual importance on the act of sacrifice (followed by celebration) within community. What lessons can we (theists and non-theists alike) find in these practices?

VOICE Sunday

Direct link to YouTube stream HERE. “We Have a VOICE” VOICE will be focusing on the 5th Principle: “The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large.” This service is offered by VOICE: Voices Organized in Civic Engagement

“A Witch Story”

Direct link to YouTube stream HERE. This is the time of year when we might dress up as ghosts, vampires, monsters, or witches, but behind some of these fun and fantastic figures, there is actual, historical horror. Did you know that American Unitarianism grew out of congregationalism and that our congregationalist ancestors in Salem Massachusetts … Continue reading “A Witch Story”

Faith (through a UU Lens)

Direct Link to YouTube Stream HERE During the last two weeks of August, our services are designed to introduce core concepts and principles of Unitarian Universalism to those who may be seeking a spiritual home or who are just curious about our liberal and liberatory faith. This year, we examine two terms that can be … Continue reading Faith (through a UU Lens)