Topic: Community

Giving Trees

Direct link to YouTube stream HERE Whether you love or hate Shel Silverstein’s 1964 book, The Giving Tree, it offers an interesting place to begin a discussion of the nature of giving. What does it mean to take and to give? When is giving unhealthy and when is it life-affirming and mutually beneficial? Who or what … Continue reading Giving Trees

We Are Not In Here. And We’re Not Out There Either. — In-person in the sanctuary and streaming to YouTube!

Register to attend in-person here. Join us for our first truly multiplatform service, in-person in the sanctuary and live-streaming on YouTube! The great Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh once said that, when he died, he would like a plaque upon his grave with the words, “I’m not in here. And I’m not out there either.” … Continue reading We Are Not In Here. And We’re Not Out There Either. — In-person in the sanctuary and streaming to YouTube!

On Love and Interdependence – On YouTube!

Our seventh principle affirms the interdependent web of all existence. Often, we consider this principle through the lens of a human-centered ecology, or as humans at the center of an interdependent web, human agents or observers within nature. But by putting the focus on ourselves, as a particular species or as individuals, we misunderstand the … Continue reading On Love and Interdependence – On YouTube!

Covenant Incarnate

  Since the coronavirus pandemic began, we’ve increased our virtual communication and decreased our in-person (embodied, incarnate) interaction with others. We’ve grown accustomed to seeing one another in “fragmented” ways — as faces without noses and mouths, or as floating heads in Zoom boxes. Even as children are vaccinated and new COVID treatments emerge, making … Continue reading Covenant Incarnate


“Covenant and commitment, not comfort, should be the binding fabrics of UU congregations… Our faith communities are not just available for those who fit in most easily or who make so much trouble no one is willing to challenge them. New generations have even more … lack of tolerance for this sort of culture and … Continue reading Conflict