“Creating Hope in Dark Times”
This moment in humanity feels dark and overwhelming. The message on Sunday will focus on lament, covenant, and how reaching out into the dark can bring about hope and change. Direct link to service.
This moment in humanity feels dark and overwhelming. The message on Sunday will focus on lament, covenant, and how reaching out into the dark can bring about hope and change. Direct link to service.
Join us this Sunday as we continue to explore the heart of religious humanism and its unique place within the Unitarian Universalist tradition. Together, we’ll reflect on the sacred found in human connection, the awe of the universe, and the call to act for justice and love. Come ready to celebrate the power of shared … Continue reading “The Sacred in Our Humanity: Living Our Shared Values”
Twentieth century religious humanism deeply influenced Unitarian Universalism. How do we understand humanism in the twenty-first century? What limitations have we discovered? How do we balance our human potentials with our human limitations? Direct link to service.
As a holiday, Labor Day itself has never really meant much to me. Typically known as a blue-collar holiday, Labor Day is an annual celebration of the social and economic achievements of American workers. But for myself and many others, it’s more known for the wild philosophies, smart wit, and personal interpretations of a former … Continue reading “Labor Day Service”
On Sunday, July 14, we explore the deep spiritual connection that Unitarian Universalists often feel with nature, tracing its origins to the Transcendentalist Movement of the early 19th century and Ralph Waldo Emerson’s writing, among others. How does Transcendentalism and its ideas about nature continue to influence modern Unitarian Universalist spirituality, and what revisions do … Continue reading “Nature’s Inspiration: A New Transcendentalism”
Direct link to YouTube stream HERE. Robert Oppenheimer once said during an interview that, at the time of the first atomic bomb test, he recalled a line from the Bhagavad Gita: “Now I am become Death, destroyer of worlds.” As Unitarian Universalists, we celebrate science, and it is one of our key sources, but how … Continue reading “Now I Am Become…? Science and Unitarian Universalism”
Direct link to YouTube stream HERE. As Unitarian Universalists, we focus not on heaven or perfection but on practicing our faith. Abstract ideas about how to live don’t really matter. It’s how we live that counts, even when that living involves a lot of falling down and failing. Today we pick up the ancient philosophical … Continue reading “Practice, Practice, Praxis”
Because of cold temperatures and rising COVID numbers, we will be online-only this Sunday. On this Sunday before the Winter Solstice (12/21) and the Humanist celebration of HumanLight (12/23), we will shift focus from the babe in Bethlehem to all babies, from angels to astronomy, from flying reindeer to the Earth’s rotation. And there, too, we … Continue reading Celebrating the Winter Solstice and HumanLight