Topic: Living in Love

“What We Learned in the Fire”

Direct link to YouTube stream HERE. On this Pentecost Sunday, we celebrate the many individuals who keep our chalice burning bright: our volunteers, lay leaders, and staff. We will also take a look back at the period of the pandemic and ask, “What did we learn? How have we changed?”

We Are Not In Here. And We’re Not Out There Either. — In-person in the sanctuary and streaming to YouTube!

Register to attend in-person here. Join us for our first truly multiplatform service, in-person in the sanctuary and live-streaming on YouTube! The great Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh once said that, when he died, he would like a plaque upon his grave with the words, “I’m not in here. And I’m not out there either.” … Continue reading We Are Not In Here. And We’re Not Out There Either. — In-person in the sanctuary and streaming to YouTube!

On Love and Interdependence – On YouTube!

Our seventh principle affirms the interdependent web of all existence. Often, we consider this principle through the lens of a human-centered ecology, or as humans at the center of an interdependent web, human agents or observers within nature. But by putting the focus on ourselves, as a particular species or as individuals, we misunderstand the … Continue reading On Love and Interdependence – On YouTube!

Ingathering/Water Ceremony (Theology of Relationship)

The delta variant is keeping us from meeting together in person, but it can’t keep us from celebrating our community! Our church goes on. Today, we celebrate the beginning of a new church year with ritual. At our annual Ingathering service, we come together as a family of travelers reuniting after our many separate journeys. … Continue reading Ingathering/Water Ceremony (Theology of Relationship)