Topic: Power

“Ordinary Courage”

When we think of “courage,” we may automatically associate it with outward acts -heroic rescues or spectacular feats of physical prowess.  But what if courage is also found in quiet, daily acts of resolve?  We may be braver than we think! Direct Link to Service here.

“Tyranny and Freedom”

Direct link to YouTube stream HERE. What is the role of the voluntary association and the small community (like a congregation) in resisting the forces of tyranny?

“Quiet Courage” (Part One)

Direct link to YouTube stream HERE. “There is a quiet courage that comes from an inward spring of confidence in the meaning and significance of life. Such courage is an underground river, flowing far beneath the shifting events of one’s experience, keeping alive a thousand little springs of action.” — Howard Thurman ‘Quiet’ and ‘courage’ … Continue reading “Quiet Courage” (Part One)

“Your Life” — Coming Out Sunday

Direct link to YouTube stream HERE. This service is co-created with the Radical Welcoming Team in honor of LGBTQ+ History Month and National Coming Out Day. We celebrate the many quiet and not-at-all-quiet, courageous ways 2SLGBTQIA+ people live their authentic lives. Your name is not a song you will sing under your breath. Your pronouns … Continue reading “Your Life” — Coming Out Sunday

Unconventional Saints and Unconventional Super Powers

Direct link to YouTube stream HERE. With our Blessing of the Animals service postponed until late November due to Rev. Diana coming down with COVID, join us this Sunday for an all ages, multigenerational worship led by our Director of Lifespan Religious Exploration Tim Atkins. We’re going to explore the idea of unconventional saints and … Continue reading Unconventional Saints and Unconventional Super Powers

“Tongues of Fire: On Spirit and Social Justice and Why It’s Not Either/Or”

Direct link to YouTube stream HERE. As people of a liberal and liberating faith, we need not choose between spiritual and social liberation. In fact, rising from our core theology, the two are inextricably linked. We go back to our Unitarian and Universalist history, and remember why we are called to work for the liberation of all, not … Continue reading “Tongues of Fire: On Spirit and Social Justice and Why It’s Not Either/Or”

“To Call Each Other In” Part I – On “Cancel Culture”

Direct YouTube link HERE “Cancel Culture” is a term that seems ubiquitous these days. It’s prominent in popular culture, in politics, and it comes up in countless arguments on social media. But this commonly used term means different things to different people. In fact, the very use of the term in some cases is its … Continue reading “To Call Each Other In” Part I – On “Cancel Culture”